Dr. Muhammad Hasanuzzaman
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Nanomaterials and Ceramic Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
E-mail: hasanum2@nce.buet.ac.bd, hasanum2.nce@gmail.com
Mobile No: +88 01726226793
Phone (Off):- PABX: +880-2-55167100; Ext.: 6783
Research Networking Sites/Publications:
1. ResearchGate
3. Google Scholar
Muhammad Hasanuzzaman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Nanomaterials and Ceramic Engineering at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). He graduated with an honors degree in Metallurgical Engineering from BUET in 2003. He completed a Masters (2006) in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Dublin City University, Ireland before returning to the same University where he graduated with a Ph.D. (2013) in the area of Materials Science. He also worked for a time in a post-doctoral and investigating researcher role (2013–2016) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway. At present, his work mainly involves research including composite materials, energy storage materials, photocatalytic materials, advanced and traditional ceramics, and silica-based porous materials. Currently, he is supervising nine masters and two Ph.D. students.
PhD. (2013) - Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Dublin City University, Ireland
M.Eng. (2006) - Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Dublin City University, Ireland
BSc. Engg. (2003) - Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, BUET, Bangladesh
Current Research Interests:
- Energy storage materials
- Photocatalytic materials
- Advanced and traditional ceramics
- Silica-based porous materials
- Composite materials
Courses offered:
GCE 6103: Advanced characterization of glass and ceramics
GCE 6301: Ceramic raw materials and their properties
GCE 6305: Building Ceramics: Cement