Senior Lab. Instructor cum Store KeeperDepartment of Nanomaterials and Ceramic Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Mobile No: +88 01914747377
Phone (Off):- PABX: +880-2-55167100; Ext.: 6748

Mr. Shahjalal received his Honours and Masters Degree from National University, Bangladesh under Titumir Govt. College, Dhaka in English department. He began his service in Glass and Ceramic Engineering Department (GCE), BUET as a Lab-Attendant in January, 2011. He was newly appointed as a Lab Instructor at the same department in 2016 and was promoted to Senior Lab Instructor in 2019.
Masters (MA), Department of English, National University, 2009
Honours (BA), Department of English, National University, 2008
Special Achievement:
Masters (MA), Department of English, National University, 2009
Honours (BA), Department of English, National University, 2008
- XRD (PANalytical) Training at GCE in BUET from 07.04.2016 to 15.04.2016
- UV Vis NIR instrument Training at GCE in BUET from 20.08.2016 to 24.08.2016
Special Achievement:
- 10th teachers’ reegistration examination (Lecturer in English) passed obtains 56.75% mark from NTRC under the Minstry of Education, Bangladesh in2014